Tag Archives: billings best dentist

Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities are most often found before there are any symptoms, because, for quality dental health, everyone should visit the dentist for a checkup and a cleaning twice yearly.  However, cavities can also form in the interim and be symptomatic. The signs and symptoms of a cavity will vary by location.  However, some symptoms can occur… Read More »

Thumb-sucking and Pacifier Use

It’s natural for a child to suck on its thumb or on a pacifier.  It’s a comforting reflex for children, one that originates shortly after their first breaths of life.  As the child gets older, this reflex will most likely carry through to times at nap, or any other time during which the child needs… Read More »

Billings Best Dentist Talks About Snacking & Oral Health

When we think of food that is bad for our oral health, we often think of sweets and candies. It’s true, excess sugars do contribute to poor oral health. But did you know that many other foods, if eaten too frequently or at inappropriate times, can be detrimental to our oral health. The oral health… Read More »

Billings Best Dentist Talks About Dry Mouth

According to Billing Best Dentist, saliva is important; it washes away food and bacteria from our teeth and gums. Without saliva our mouths develop cavities quickly, and, also, if left unchecked for a period of time, could result in periodontal disease. Obviously dry mouth is common, nerves or exercise, even dry air can have our… Read More »